Finding the right Property Manager to suit your needs can be a daunting prospect. Whether you are looking for a large franchise agency or a small boutique company, asking the right questions will enable you to make an informed decision. Here are some hints:
- Ask who will be looking after your property throughout the entire process from the first meeting, through marketing and leasing to the ongoing management of your property
- Ask to meet your Property Manager prior to making a decision as they will be your day to day contact once the tenant moves in.
- Ask how long your Property Manager has been with the Company. In an industry renown for the high turnover of staff, this is critical to ensure the smooth and continuing management of your property.
- Ask how many other properties your Property Manager will be looking after. Smaller portfolios will ensure more time for your property.
- Ask about their communication policies, when and how they will communicate with you.
- Ask about repairs and maintenance, will they attend site prior to engaging tradespeople.
- Will they provide online access to an owner portal providing up to date information on your property. Cloud based technology will ensure you have 24/7 access.